For many years, GYMNOVA has been actively pursuing an environmental strategy and seeking to drive the ecological transition.
The brand image for GYMNOVA products has been developed on the basis of quality and service life. This is a direct consequence of the choices our company has made and committed to since its creation in relation to design, materials and construction principles. Our product development process has always been inspired by this aim of providing optimum quality and a long service life.

Eco-design & sustainable production
We choose recycled materials derived from renewable resources such as steel or wood, PEFC certified (sustainable management of forests), allowing us to reduce our environmental impact.
These 100% recyclable and infinitely recyclable raw materials retain all their properties and allow us to significantly reduce our environmental impact.
Our production sites have also embraced this philosophy, as evidenced by their ISO 14001 certification, which enables us to continuously improve our energy footprint, our waste management practices, product logistics and use of resources. Waste, such as offcuts from mat covers, is fed back into the production process for recycling. Any non-reusable waste is sorted at our production plants which are continuously seeking new recycling channels to improve our impact.
In parallel, we conduct Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for our landing mats. Lately, we have carried out LCA on landing pits and mats. Those LCA allows us to draw up a priority list of actions on environmental impacts for those product range to make more environmentally-friendly design choices.
Finally, in the order to reduce our carbon footprint, more than a third of the raw materials used are sourced as close as possible to our production sites.
Accessibility & inclusion
Since its beginning, GYMNOVA has included equipment, in its innovative process, that can be used by the largest possible number of people, in order to promote inclusion in the practice of sport.
You will find in all GYMNOVA products, adapted ranges in each of the 5 brands :
So as very specific products for each level of practice, such as one range especially made for people with disabilities.
In addition, our material is designed with ease of use in mind, so that everyone can be autonomous in their sport practice.
Health of users
Reflecting our constant concern for users’ health, we have adapted the markings on our gymnastics mats by replacing solvent-based screen printing with a hot stamping process. This change in industrial process allows us to very significantly reduce the quantity of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted.
We also offer phthalate-free products for our entire range produced with smooth “leather look” PVC covers.

Life extension & second life
To support our customers and users of our equipment, we offer maintenance contracts with free on-site visits to conduct a detailed assessment of the premises and encourage authorities, clubs and prescribers to maintain their equipment. This maintenance service reflects our “consume better” approach and each field sales engineer receives regular training in this area.
In addition, we offer a 5-year warranty on gymnastics* equipment, a far longer period than the market standards.
We also sell 100% of gymnastics equipment from competitions (the equivalent of 5 complete competition floors each year) second hand to clubs, associations or local authorities which are unable to purchase new equipment.
Green mobility
In the area of logistics, our logistics partner ASTRIN has committed to work with us on this environmental approach.
In our everyday operations, we group orders and deliveries wherever possible to reduce transport costs and CO2 emissions. Lorries have also been optimised with double decks, transport flows are organised to avoid peak times and most of the vehicles run on fuel produced from 100% French rapeseed (B100 fuel, 100% plant-based energy).

*View the General Conditions of Sale for more information.