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GYMNOVA presents its new catalogue

In parallel to the launch of its new website, GYMNOVA is unveiling its new catalogue. With the aim of harmonising the GYMNOVA visual identity, the catalogue and website feature a modern, streamlined new design in the brand’s colours.

This new catalogue covers the full spectrum of gymnastics disciplines:

  • Artistic Gymnastics
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics
  • Acrobatic Gymnastics
  • Aerobics
  • Trampolining
  • Team Gym
  • Handi-Gym

It also includes an overview of the disciplines distributed by the two other brands (Educ’Gym and O'Jump): Baby Gym and Parkour.

A total of over 120 pages of gymnastics equipment and accessories.

Featuring around twenty new products highlighted by the “New” icon, GYMNOVA's new catalogue has a more ergonomic design to allow easy use and quick reference.

Finally, to support and inform its customers even better, it also includes pages devoted entirely to GYMNOVA’s services and expertise.

To browse all the available products, the catalogue can be downloaded in several languages: